Meta will send notifications within its apps to public figures and celebrities, letting them know they are part of a new experiment and that they can choose to opt-out. Agranovich, the Director of Global Threat Disruption at Meta, explained that if Meta suspects an ad or account might be a scam using a celebrity's image, they will use facial recognition technology (FRT) to compare the celebrity’s face from their Facebook or Instagram profile picture to the one in the ad. If there’s a match and the ad is confirmed to be a scam, Meta will block it. He mentioned that this process is quicker and more accurate than human reviews. The second use of FRT is for account recovery. Meta will use FRT along with video selfies to help users verify their identity more easily when trying to regain access to hacked accounts. Sometimes, users lose access to their Facebook or Instagram accounts if they forget their password, lose their device, or get tricked by a scammer. If an account is comp...
I am a technology writer with a focus on cybersecurity. I cover topics such as malware, vulnerabilities, exploits, and security defenses, as well as research and innovation in information security.