Telegram is a popular messaging app with over one billion users. Recently, it made headlines because its CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France. Durov is facing legal issues for not responding to requests to identify a suspect in an ongoing investigation. This arrest is unusual because tech executives rarely face legal trouble of this sort. Here's a breakdown of the key points about Telegram and whether you should trust it: Safety Concerns Durov’s arrest was due to Telegram's failure to assist French authorities in identifying a user involved in illegal activities. This incident highlights a broader issue: Telegram has a history of not responding to legal requests, which raises concerns about how it handles safety and cooperation with authorities. For not cooperating with investigations, Telegram gets a negative point on trust...
I am a technology writer with a focus on cybersecurity. I cover topics such as malware, vulnerabilities, exploits, and security defenses, as well as research and innovation in information security.